Monday, December 27, 2021

Bad Deck Breakdowns - 26 - Destroyer Droid Shield Busting


The odds of winning a game with this deck are 3,720 to 1.

Here's the episode!

DD Shield Busting

2x Darth Maul With Lightsaber
4x Destroyer Droid
10x Droideka
2x Nute Gunray (V)
1x P-59
2x P-60

2x 3,720 To 1
1x Crossfire
1x First Strike
1x Knowledge And Defense (V)
1x Search And Destroy
1x Silence Is Golden (V)
1x Where Are Those Droidekas?! (V)

1x Insidious Prisoner

1x Abyssin Ornament
1x Always Thinking With Your Stomach
1x Force Push (V)
1x Ghhhk
1x Imperial Barrier
2x Master, Destroyers!
1x Masterful Move
1x Monnok
2x Oh, Switch Off
1x Point Man (V)
1x Prepared Defenses
2x Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
2x Self-Destruct Mechanism
1x Sense
2x Sniper & Dark Strike
1x Stunning Leader
1x They're Still Coming Through!
1x Wounded Warrior

1x Coruscant: 500 Republica
1x Coruscant: Private Platform (Docking Bay)
1x Invisible Hand: Bridge
1x Invisible Hand: Docking Bay
1x Invisible Hand: Observatory Entrance
1x Jabba's Palace: Droid Workshop

1x A Stunning Move

That's What We Called Music? - 79 - Case Of The Ex

This week we discuss the song where Maya asks her fiancé what he's going to do when he can't say no to his ex.

Here's the episode!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Jerry Darcy on Cloud City and Jabba's Palace

In this interview, we discuss Cloud City, Jabba's Palace, and Jerry provides some great anecdotes about Spaceballs and Austin Powers.

Here's the episode!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Get My Exclusive Cyber Monday Playlist!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I missed Small Business Saturday, but just in time for Cyber Monday, I've got a deal for you!  Anyone who signs up for the Patreon at any level, makes a donation of at least $5 through Paypal, or purchases anything off of my BandCamp for at least $5 will get access to my Cyber Monday Playlist.  The playlist includes all 15 tracks(including covers) from my Christmas Creep album, a few extra songs from my upcoming "Sad Quick Christmas Songs" album, and exclusive versions of some of my classics recently re-recorded.

This offer is officially good for the next week, but if you miss the cutoff, reach out to me and I'll hook you up.

What are you waiting for?

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Jerry Darcy on Dagobah


n my third interview with Star Wars CCG Designer Jerry Darcy, we discuss the Dagobah expansion among other things.

Here's the episode!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Bad Deck Breakdowns - 25 - TDIGWATT Trooper Beats


This month, new cohost David Woods shares his TDIGWATT Trooper Beats deck. 

Here's the episode!

1x Intensify The Forward Batteries

1x Admiral Ozzel
1x Admiral Piett
1x Captain Phasma
1x Count Dooku
3x Darth Vader, Emperor's Enforcer
1x Lord Maul With Lightsaber
2x Lord Sidious
1x Sergeant Barich
1x Sergeant Elsek
1x Sergeant Wallen
2x Stormtrooper
3x Stormtrooper Cadet
2x Stormtrooper Patrol
1x Trooper Davin Felth

1x Battle Order & First Strike
1x Cloud City Occupation
1x Endor Shield (V)
1x Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans
1x Knowledge And Defense (V)
1x Security Precautions (V)
1x Strategic Reserves
1x Tarkin's Bounty (V)
4x They Must Never Again Leave This City
1x You Cannot Hide Forever & Mobilization Points

4x Dark Jedi Presence
1x Force Push (V)
1x Point Man (V)
3x Sense & Uncertain Is The Future
1x Slip Sliding Away (V)
3x Tactical Support
1x They're Still Coming Through!
4x Trooper Assault

1x Bespin
1x Bespin: Cloud City
1x Cloud City: Downtown Plaza
1x Cloud City: Upper Walkway
1x Executor: Docking Bay

1x This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time

1x Executor

KendallCast Movie Round Table - 21 - Little Miss Sunshine


This month, we discuss the movie that got me through that year I spent as a music major, one of the best movies ever made.

Here's the episode!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

2021 Star Wars CCG World Championship Special


Special coverage of the 2021 Star Wars CCG World Championship in which we don't mention who won or give insight into the meta.

Here's the episode!

Monday, September 6, 2021

That's What We Called Music? - 75 - Don't Think I'm Not


For our landmark 75th episode, we discuss an R&B song by Kandi Burress that Molly and Sarah had forgotten existed.

Here's the episode!

Monday, August 23, 2021

The dillen Interview


My long awaited interview with Timo Dusel, aka dillen, aka Twelveand0, aka the man who has played a million games of Star Wars Cards this week!  

Here's the episode!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday the 13th Special Edition - Jason X


Happy Friday the 13th.  Just for fun, Kendall and Joe discuss a movie focused on this Jason guy for some reason!

Here's the episode!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

KendallCast Movie Round Table - 19 - Minority Report


This month, we discuss Tom Cruise's mono tooth and why drinking rancid milk turns this film into a cyberpunk film.

Here's the episode!

Friday, July 16, 2021

Bad Deck Breakdowns - 24 - BDBD No Idea

This month, we challenge the limits of how bad a Bad Deck Breakdowns deck can be.


1x Baze Malbus With Cannon
1x Bodhi Rook
1x CC-2237 (Odd Ball)
1x CT-5385 (Tup)
1x CT-5555 (Fives)
1x Cal Alder (V)
1x Captain Cassian Andor
1x Captain Hera Syndulla
1x Captain Rex, 501st Legion
1x Captain Yutani With Blaster Cannon
1x Chirrut Imwe
1x Commander Cody
1x Commander Ruescott Melshi
1x Corporal Pao
1x Endor Commando Team
1x Ensign Chad Hilse
1x General Airen Cracken
1x General Crix Madine
1x Han Solo, Optimistic General
1x Jannah
1x Jyn Erso
1x Leia Organa (V)
1x Luke Skywalker (V)
1x Rebel Trooper Recruit
3x Rebel Trooper Reinforcements
1x Saw Gerrera
1x Shawn Valdez
1x Taidu Sefla

1x Anger, Fear, Aggression (V)
1x Insurrection
1x Make Ten Men Feel Like A Hundred
1x Stardust
1x Wokling (V)

2x Ambush (V)
1x For the Republic!
1x Heading For The Medical Frigate
1x Houjix & Out Of Nowhere
1x It's A Trap!
1x Odin Nesloor & First Aid
1x Perimeter Scan (V)
3x Rebel Ambush
1x Rebel Barrier
1x Rebel Leadership (V)
2x Take the Initiative

1x Home One: Docking Bay
1x Hoth: Echo Docking Bay
1x Scarif
1x Scarif: Beach
1x Scarif: Data Vault
1x Yavin 4: Massassi War Room (V)

1x They Have No Idea We're Coming

1x Bright Hope (V)
1x Profundity
1x Rogue One

Monday, July 5, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Dear Journal - 8 - Doug Gets His Ears Lowered


I'm back to discuss a rock solid episode.  This is why I started the podcast in the first place

Here's the episode!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

3 Pieces of NARPY Star Wars CCG Advice That May or May Not Be Wrong


I'm not a great player. I haven't won a major. My biggest claim to fame as far as competitive play comes from losing in the final confrontation of the first Corellia League event this year. I have played a lot of Star Wars CCG though, and seeing as I'm not a great player, have received a lot of advice from players of varying skill levels. Of all of the advice I've received, some was very helpful, especially when people were willing to meet me where I was at. If I asked for help with a Watch Your Step Palace Raiders build, it wasn't super helpful when people told me to play something else.

There are some pieces of fundamental Star Wars CCG wisdom, however, that I think are just wrong. Please take everything I say with a grain of salt, as better players than me will likely disagree with everything I say from here on out. After all, when I asked what you call someone who has been playing the game for some time but still isn't very good, the response I got from a notable member of the community was “We call him Corran.”

One of the first things you'll hear as a new/returning/improving player is “Don't be afraid to lose.” Back in something like 2011 or 2012, I read an article directed at NARPS with a heading saying “You're going to lose. A lot.” Essentially the message of the article was that there is no value in winning a game against a bad player and you learn a lot from losing. I took this as “fun has no value” and didn't get back into the game for another year after reading it.

You shouldn't be afraid, embarrassed, or frustrated if you have a bad run of games. There is some merit to this idea. However, there are also ways to become a better player from playing against people at or below your skill level. Personally, I prefer winning and am much more likely to get motivated to play every day if I've got a shot at winning. Win or lose, putting time into the game is how you get better. Beyond that, in a game against a great player, I'll often make a mistake turn 1 that either loses me the game right there or turns the game into an unwinnable grind. Will I make that mistake again? I probably will. Against a player at or around my level, grinding the game out and coming from behind is a possibility. This encourages me to actually play things out and look for an opening.

Next, people will tell you to copy an existing deck. Technically this isn't wrong, and you certainly don't want to just pick a theme and build your deck without considering things like the meta and cards that you haven't heard of. That said, I want to play my own decks. I wouldn't have chosen a customizable card game if I wanted to play a set list of sixty cards. I'm a weird guy, but I'm sure there are other players out there with my stubborn disposition.

There is a compromise on this. Instead of building a deck from scratch, especially if you're not up on the latest virtual cards and whatnot, do some research. Pick a platform and look at recent event deck lists. If the platform you want hasn't been played at a recent event, you can ask around on the forums, just in case the deck is just below the horizon, but if nobody's played the deck in a while, it may not be competitive. Once you have a few lists, use that as a starting point to building your own deck. If you don't know why a card is there, ask the person who built the deck. Feel free to play pet cards and to cut cards you don't like. I know Solo is a powerful card, but I also never know when to use his ability and would just rather have another character with a lightsaber most of the time, so I don't usually play him.

As a side note, an argument that people make for playing decks card for card is that new/returning/improving players need all the help they can get, and more powerful decks don't punish players for mistakes the way less powerful decks might. I hate this argument. The same people who think playing against players of your skill level has no value will make this argument. If you're playing a deck with five copies of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and lose one to a battle you shouldn't have lost, then you can probably deploy your second copy next turn without sacrificing much. This isn't going to teach you not to deploy a lone character with no support any more than if you were playing against a player who didn't know to come after you. That said, I already talked about how it's fun to win, and playing the best deck card for card will certainly win some games.

The last thing I want to talk about is the idea that you should “cook less and season more.” This is good advice, once you've figured out what you want to cook. Some people will build a deck, lose twice, and then move on to another deck. You're never going to learn the ins and outs of a deck by doing this. Still, there's something to exposing yourself to a variety of decks before choosing one to go deep on. I know that when I pick up a deck, I can usually tell after a game or two whether I'm going to like the deck. Sometimes a deck will not want to battle or have too few characters. Often a deck will not have high enough destinies for my taste. When I most recently dove back into the game in 2019, I played a variety of horrible decks on GEMP before settling on a few decks that I really liked.

So now that I've ruined your chances of becoming a competitive player by giving about 1000 words of bad advice, here are a few nuggets of good advice that I got from good players.

  • Don't forget to force drain

  • Use your shield pulls, especially Battle Order/Battle Plan

  • Playing live is completely different than GEMP(I could probably write an article about how I disagree with this one, but keep it in mind anyway.)

  • Saving force during opponent's turns makes their decisions more difficult

  • Plan how you want to use your Force at the beginning of your turn. Late game, this includes deciding how much force to activate/leave in reserve

  • When receiving advice, be it on card choices, lines of play, or whatever else, always ask why.

Thanks for taking the time to read this little manifesto, and may the force be with you!

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Joe Olson Interview

I interview the current Star Wars CCG World Champion and winner of the 2021 MPC, Joe Olson.

Jerry Darcy on Premiere, A New Hope, and Hoth

In this latest interview with former Decipher Lead Designer of the Star Wars CCG, we discuss the first three sets that Jerry Darcy worked on.

Here's the episode!

Listen to the first interview here

Pull List Civil War Part 3


Part 3 of special coverage of the complete Civil War event.  Plus, a 20 minute nerd-rage on the Snyder Cut!